Easter Reflection

Lockdown. Isolation at home. Easter long weekend. What’s happening in your corner of the world? There are fewer cars on the roads, the streets are quieter, almost eerie and the creative mind is in overload. For me, it’s been peaceful yet a bit sad. Like the world is stammering to gain its confidence again.

Around me is beauty in nature. Bring that on! Days come and go; this weekend with Easter church services on line and family gatherings almost non existent, I think about slowing down and opening up my mind to the heart.


Not the beating physical heart but the heart of the matter. This Autumn, as a time of seasonal changes, outside and within, I hope you will find your heart – the most important things that matter to you.

Maybe it’s in the expression of love for nature or a friend.


The heart of truth and honesty of your feelings.

The heart of prayer for others less fortunate.

The heart of acceptance amidst pain.

The heart of hope. Hope is the Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson.

I am reminded that the simple games and jigsaws that I want to play with my grand children but cannot due to self-isolation, still push me to thinking about sharing in different ways. The heart of hearing your beloved’s voice. The wonderland of listening to their missing tooth story, or latest injury. A frustrated, why can’t I go and play with my friend?


Reflect upon the heart of God.

The heart of your grief and longing.

The wounded heart of Christ on the cross.

Here are a few tips for the faithful heart that matters to you.

Keep going. Let music seep through your soul. Cry a little. Bake something delicious. Snuggle into a silent meditation. Take nothing for granted. Do not worry about tomorrow. Be thankful for quiet days when nothing much seems to be happening.

Friends, readers and family out there, stay safe over Easter and say a YES to yourself.


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April 9, 2020 at 9:48 am

I have begun to add more to my personal journals. Things i have felt and wanted to write down to let out my own feelings on different things. Yes, the truth and honestly, the grief and longing. I feel more at peace with myself. Always being a loner, it hasn’t really bothered me with isolation. I have enjoyed reading poetry i didn’t have time for before. Yes and i have cried also. Chris has baked. Special warm wishes for a Happy Easter. Our Saviour rises again in our hearts.

April 9, 2020 at 10:33 pm

Thanks for sharing this Joy. Happy Easter amidst times of uncertainty.

April 11, 2020 at 8:02 pm

Sending Easter wishes from France! Stay safe and well, Margaret, thinking of you 🙂 Tuula

April 12, 2020 at 5:04 am

Stay well, positive and calm Tuula. From far across the seas. x

M.J. Gibbs
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