The delight of tea drinking

When I was growing up my mother loved to make cups of tea for her sisters, the neighbours or even the reluctant person who politely declined; yet she insisted on pouring them a cup. The tea cannisters and freshly brewed pot of tea are reminders to me that we took time to sit down and have a good conversation, sipping those first few sips because we enjoyed them. Even after my first baby was born, I was ready for a hot cup of tea to calm the shivers and shock of childbirth.

Today there are so many health benefits to drinking tea – any internet site will roll them out like a waterfall – it’s a hangover prevention, lower risk of dementia, increased memory focus and concentration, a drop in cholesterol, tea boosts the immune system, helps cancer, and other healing properties. There is less cafferine than coffee. Tea is so versatile with fragrant, herbal teas sold widely. You can grow your own spicy scents, rosemary, lemon, peppermint and enjoy the whiff of the leaves as you work in the garden. Drinking tea reduces stress.

Types of tea are endless. Sencha tea, gunpowder tea ( Chinese) and dragonwell green tea.; anji – a mellow and fresh flavour that soothes the tongue. Kocha black tea in Japan means red tea. So many aromas, so many blends, so many ways to enjoy brewed or loose leaf.

Penguin book called T2 the Book by Maryanne Shearer encourages tea drinkers to take risks and try new flavours. She includes the history of tea, as well as growing, processing and drinking tea. If you want to know how to make the perfect cup of tea, then have a closer look at this popular title.

A very pleasant drive from Mapleton to Cotton Tree beach reveals a beautiful tea shop called The Silva Spoon, a popular and well regarded cafe specialising in tea lattes – London fog latte ( Earl Grey and Lavender), Tumeric Rooibos Chai Latte, Love Latte ( black tea with strawberries, rose and chocolate, frothed in the jug on milk of your own choice), beetroot Latte ( fresh beetroot and ginger on almond milk), and more.


Visit The Silva Spoon for attention to detail, flavoursome brews and excellent service. There are delicious meals too and displays of tea pots that tempt the purse. I have a friend who has been collecting iodised teapots for a while. She proudly puts them together in colour groups which shows off their shine and sparkle. The wow factor in her kitchen are those magnificent and unique teapots, her passion is obvious and her finds are special.


Can you see the image of me taking a photo in the middle violet teapot?? How cute!

Tea drinking is also cultural, for example, in the UK, an English breakfast tea is served at most B/B places. In Italy and France, coffee is preferred to tea. Morocco boasts a good mint tea made to perfection and served to guests as part of hospitality. In India, great tea plantations exist with endless hours of hard work.

Thought I would leave you with a little poem

Tea for two, or tea for three

flavoursome sips for you and me

A welcome break for the tired and weary

refreshing the soul and making you cheery

A simple pleasure in a simple way

to brighten and embellish your day.

Add to this a delightful children’s story about Sophie and her extra-ordinary tiger guest who came to tea – this picture book by Judith Kerr is a winner.

tiger and tea

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Won’t you tell me your tea story, memory or favourite brand of tea?

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1 Comment

March 5, 2017 at 5:51 am

I have teapots along one of my kitchen benches. One from my parents house; it has the loveliest bright sunflower on it . Another small brown one with a white pattern that my father bought me. Two more from a lost friendship but I keep them for the rememberance of a happy time.They sit there and i often look up at them, I can see their dusty lids which gives them a homey feeling of times now lost or gone by.

M.J. Gibbs
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