Voice Male

Poetry club for teenagers called Girl’s Room ( for girls) & Voice Male ( for boys)

Do you want to be connected to some contemporary poems based on the teenage experience? I invite you to comment on a poem that I have written based on my time talking to students. There are issue poems on matters of the heart, as well as everyday school, family and friendship topics. From bad experiences to good experiences, poetry can help keep you together. It can provide an opportunity to express your fears, concerns and joys. I hope you find these poems meaningful as they help to make sense of the world around you. Perhaps you can identify with one.

Good luck! If poetry is not your thing, then try writing down a simple diary entry. It’s not that hard to turn it around and make it a poem, not always rhyming of course!

Why Poetry?

We learn about our feelings. It helps us to understand ourselves. It’s creative when we can play with word pictures. As Robert Frost says, “Poetry begins as a lump in the throat.”Poetry can be written as a gift for others, or simply for ourselves. Poetry tingles, tantalises and torments you.

WELCOME TO THE POET’S PAGE WHERE YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE YOUR POEMS about issues and topics that concern you. Every month there will be some new poems written by mrs gibbs for you to read and comment on. You can contribute your own poem on something that interests you. Mrs Gibbs will also offer you a few writing tips to help you.

Voice Male - Boys Poetry Club

My Tennis Life (For Kristian)

Looking out the window seeing the balls fly high
soaring like a bird into the blue, clear sky
The game is in my heart every hit,
whack! and serve
scoring to a glorious win
the slam , game set, I deserve
Tennis – it means the world to me
my passion, speed and might
controlling the dashing ball

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The Tree

My earth bound roots supported my thrust into the sky;
There I stood majestic til the forester came by.
His arm with lethal weapon brought me crashing down,
To cut me up and shape me for planks to grace the town
This might of forest beauty now holds their garden beds,

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My Sanctuary – The Garden

There’s a place of quiet beauty
fragrant and so green
it’s my ever growing garden
spectacular view and scene

A place where time stands still
of mauve and red and white
leaves uncurling, daisies winking
palms dancing in the light
The garden is a treasure trovel

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DIY Wall (For Karl)

My best work in the garden
is my wall
a tower to heaven; a bridge of wood; a magic stronghold
This thing of beauty grew from the ground
my hands and tools shaped its form,
digging, sleepers, concrete and screws
a spirit level and crushed stone

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The Hope Tree

Timely washed and renewed with rain
Soon a green shoot grows
Bursting through the air like a mighty warrior
Proud, fierce, strong
Where there was death
A chance of Life
Accress the burnt and stricken land

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The Skateboarder

Ducking and diving Bending and swerving
Chasing the thrill of flying high Freedom in my hair
Freedom in my space
Holding onto the ride
Like a child with a doll
Master of my destiny

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Daniel Dyed his Hair

People laughing at me
Some say it looks funny
I don’t care
People stare
Eyes from behind
Whispers in the corridor
Is he the same?
Blonde feels the shame.

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Homeless Kid

Lit by the fire
His face warm in the night
Holes in his socks
No place to go
No home in sight
Next day on the prowl
Like some hungry cat
Lean and tired
Forgotten by his family

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Here are a few exercises to help get that creative brain working in the right direction for creative writting. See how you go, there are no right or wrong answers here. I would love to see what you can come up with!

Exercise One

  1.  Choose a picture, photo or postcard.
  2.  Write 6 words associated with this picture
  3.  Add colour and smell to the words.
  4. Read aloud your ideas. Brainstorm with a friend.
  5. Swap ideas and use the best response to start your poem.
  6. Have a go at writing a short poem (8 lines) with the picture image as the final line.

Exercise Two

  1. Cut out magazine/ newspaper headlines
    Arrange and cut up words
  2. Cut up the middle of a word and add to beginning
  3. Choose one letter eg M
    Now write a poem with M in the title

Have fun and see where it takes you!

Posts From the Girl's Room

I ride my Horse – Dedicated for Caitlin

Through the clean and salty air
I ride my horse
With the wing behind me
and the soothing sand on my horse’s hooves
I ride on.
The sound of the vast ocean,
the freedom in my hair;
the spell beneath my legs

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My Mum

You scared me when you were sick
So pale and tired in your bed
your cheeks without sunshine
your smile without beauty
Don’t leave me yet
Life seems too unfair without you
You are my mum
the one who knows me

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Colours I Love

Pink is so sweet the colour of my slippers
Golden honey hair on my Barbie
Milky white and perfect skin
Red the richness of a gem
Azure blue the depth of ocean deep
Lush green strands of knitted wool
Chocolate the flavour of ice cream
Black the darkest cave within

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M.J. Gibbs
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