Easter in the Garden

My Easter weekend has been spent in and out of the garden – misty spaces, muddy boots and roses blooming. All this Autumn rain is nice however, there’s so much work that I need to catch up on like bending over and pulling weeds, pruning hedges, cutting down nasty branches, and raking the passionfruit up that fall under the pergola.

In the garden down the stony steps I need to be extra careful of the slippery pathways and I find myself surprised, astonished and a bit overwhelmed at the growth. Up on the more level land, Bill and I are starting a project together called My Mist and Moss Garden Nook, simply a fancy greenhouse, potting cabin that I can enjoy. We have started the foundation but the rain has not stopped. You might like to check out the progress of this structure as it emerges near the clothes line.

In time I hope to pot plants, create floral art and spend time writing and recording in my gardener’s journal. Our next trip to the store is to buy pavers.

Easter is about appreciating the hope of Christ, being thankful for the gifts and abundance that we have. It’s about the glory and victory of Jesus over the Cross.

I like to admire my beautiful roses that edge my top garden.

The fragrance is intoxicating. I generally leave my roses in the soil to enjoy although down the track I would love to grow more to pick for the house. Imagine Easter filled with the scent of  David Austin roses.

Any of you who garden will know the surprises that awaits you when noticing the changes of time and the seasons.


Mist settles on the horizon in Mapleton

The garden in Easter brings me dirty fingernails ( I do wear gloves) more compost and mulch to spread, golden pumpkins and their never ending vines and leaves, cherry tomatoes to pick, snipping of the chives, basil and rosemary. It also brings me some aches and pains in the shoulder and back – will I ever learn to bend properly? To not over do things? To stop and smell the roses?

The rain has eased and I come inside. Muddy shoes at the door, gloves soaked in the laundry tub and a sweet text from my daughter who sends me this photograph.


Sometimes the cute bunnies hop about in search of chocolate eggs. Unfortunately, there are no hidden eggs in my garden this April. There are red geraniums, red peppers and a red faced, sweaty grandma who loves her Mapleton garden.

Stay with me for a garden series showcasing my friend’s unique and stylish gardens. Until then, have a safe and happy Easter with those you love.

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April 7, 2018 at 4:43 pm

Margaret, I think of all the flowers in your garden the red faced, sweaty grandmother rose is the most beautiful from the very depths of her centre out to the soft and delicate petals.

April 8, 2018 at 12:13 am

Beautiful garden and i can see all the love you have put into it. I know how much love it takes to keep a garden enchanting. I’m sure there are fairies living in there somewhere.

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April 8, 2018 at 10:32 am

Fairies, spotted toad stools, the odd carpet snake and too many weeds sprouting – a garden on a journey!

April 9, 2018 at 5:53 am

Wow … your garden looks amazing. Quite a little recluse. Wish you could send some rain our way. We are facing a desperate winter. I’ve had to stop watering the grass as the dam is so low. Such a contrast to your haven.

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    April 9, 2018 at 7:32 am

    Sorry that you are not receiving rain Margot! We did experience almost empty tanks last year so I understand the need to conserve and be mindful of preserving water. Sending a storm your way!!

M.J. Gibbs
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