The Split Life in Mapleton

I’m an avid follower of Vicki Archer who lives in Provence and London, whose blogs touch on fashion, to beauty and family life. Her latest blog inspired me to write about my split lifestyle that is ever present in my thoughts and actions. Like Sydney born Vicki says, ” I have trained myself to feel at home in 2 equally interesting but entirely different destinations.”

While living in Mapleton in the Blackall Ranges in Queensland, I have trained myself to enjoy a simpler, calmer and more tranquil lifestyle. Surrounding me are lovely views and lush tropical growth in the garden. Birds constantly fly overhead, clouds seem bolder and more livelier; smells more intoxicating. There’s a sweetness to the air from the fragrant garden that has taken time to nurture. Sometimes the town seems almost empty on an evening walk past the Post office, The Mapleton Tavern and the Lilyponds lake and parklands. I always greet the dog walkers, the locals stop and chat, but generally it is very quiet.

Now family commitments see me in Brisbane regularly helping with the grandchildren or visiting girlfriends. The highway often teems with traffic drawing me into a more chaotic but cultural world. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly new buildings, apartments and shops go up. It takes time and patience to muddle through the streets of traffic lights and scores of shoppers, seeing myself back in the suburbs where life rolls on madly.

My actions in the suburbs are fast and furious, anxious yet satisfying. Staying at people’s houses, visiting schools for drop off and pick up, library visits, meeting for coffee, walks in the city, play in the parks. There’s a complexity of the train, bus travel, city cat meandering and the banks of the Brisbane river. Naturally the pulse is throbbing.

These 2 contrasting pictures are my life’s story. Indeed I am blessed to experience both worlds. The squeals of children in the playground chasing dogs and the gentle heartbeat of  country life with its tender embrace.

In order to manage the 2 lifestyles, organisation is the key. The downside is the thinking of what I need to pack, the several trips to the car with the gear and coming back a level of happy exhaustion. To help with the organisation, I write lists, puts things aside ( like birthday gifts/ toys) pack early and text my kids in advance. My calendar is simply reduced to words like BRISBANE or HOME.

The drive to and from these split worlds is my time of reflection. At times it’s emotional, joyful, transformative, renewing. It’s a time I make promises to myself, break promises or re-motivate myself. I am never bored. Despite the pull of 2 contrasting worlds, I am thankful that my world is flavoured by chaos and calm; natural beauty and buildings.

Each time I travel south, I take a little less, become more casual in my approach  and have no expectations. Coming home I cherish the slower snail pace combined with the teaching tricks and tools of my working life.


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March 5, 2017 at 5:33 am

Your garden looks lovely and tranquil. You certainly have a wonderful busy life with family, friends and career. The sunset looks amazing. I love the smell of camelias. I have a pink one near my front steps. Hope your new grandchild is doing ok.

    March 5, 2017 at 8:25 am

    The garden and rich soil up here makes me smile. I think I should live outside more than inside. My tiny, new grandson is a blessing and the Mater staff and doctors do amazing things these days with premie babies. Thanks Joy.

M.J. Gibbs
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